AW IMR14500 650mAh (Red) 2016
Official specifications:
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7v
- Capacity: 650mAh
- Low Discharge Voltage: 2.50v
- Maximum Discharge Rate: 5 amps
- Maximum charge Rate: 1.5 amps
- Operating Discharge Temp: -10 to 60°C
A new generation high current cell from AW
The two cells matches fairly well on capacity, but there is a voltage difference.
As usual with small cells the discharge is too fast to get high temperatures.
I wonder about the difference in voltage between the two batteries, are they different age?
The capacity matches fine enough.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries